Non-alcoholic beer in Cedar Rapids

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You gotta check out the non-alcoholic beer scene in Cedar Rapids – it's amazing! The quickest way to score some NA brews is to hit up TARGET and HY-VEE – they're always rocking it. TARGET's got the usual suspects, and HY-VEE? They've got some really cool picks you gotta try too. It's like non-alcoholic beer heaven!

TARGET and HY-VEE are the spots for non-alcoholic beer lovers in Cedar Rapids. These places have a massive selection so you know you'll always be going home with something.

And when your stomach start growling, you gotta hit up LOCAL POUR and LION BRIDGE BREWING CO – solid gems in Cedar Rapids' dining scene. They're keeping it real with the local flavor and have a killer selection of non-alcoholic beers. Join the crew in Cedar Rapids that's all about good taste, variety, and the laid-back life with top-tier non-alcoholic beer choices at TARGET, HY-VEE, LOCAL POUR, LION BRIDGE BREWING CO, and plenty more spots around town.

Looking for something to do? We were featured on Redfin's bucket list article for new residents of Cedar Rapids, IA. Check out the blog article here!

This highlights just some of the best non-alcoholic beer options in Cedar Rapids, Iowa but you can use our beer finder below to locate more options near you by entering your zip code. Whether you're at home or out and about, you'll find plenty of non-alcoholic beer choices in Cedar Rapids.

One Moment.
Time is slower when you're not drinking.