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Untitled Art originated as an experimental side-project based in Wisconsin, with a mission to introduce distinctive styles of beverages not readily available in the state. Founded by Levi Funk and Isaac Showaki in 2016, this venture was born out of the desire to fill the void of a Hazy IPA in Wisconsin. Despite lacking a concrete distribution strategy or a dedicated taproom at the outset, their unconventional approach to both marketing and brewing soon yielded unexpected triumphs.

Setting itself apart through its high-volume production, Untitled Art notably eschews traditional flagship styles in favor of a commitment to crafting new, flavor-forward varieties such as Florida Weisse and Pastry Stout. The brewery actively engages in collaborations with other breweries across the nation, allowing them to explore a broad spectrum of flavors and expand their creative horizons.

What distinguishes Untitled Art is its minimalist branding approach, which eschews flashy names and abstract expressionist can art. The brand's ethos revolves around allowing the beverages themselves to do the talking. Over the course of just under five years, they've introduced a remarkable 177 distinct releases, prioritizing consumer interpretation over flashy marketing tactics.

Untitled Art's dedication to pushing the boundaries of flavor and style is a testament to their commitment to ongoing innovation in the world of craft beverages. This unwavering commitment ensures that their offerings continue to captivate the taste buds of those in search of unique and memorable non-alcoholic drinks.

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